Sell your policy for cash quickly. Get a complete evaluation on your policy and a quote today.
When time is of the essence, we can assist you with getting your policy's ownership changed and transferred. Most of our clients are in the process of applying for Medicaid. We help with the policy portion of that process.
We work with professionals to help you make a smooth, predictable process in transferring the policy. We also offer 3rd party payments to pay, for example, your Nursing Home bill or your legal bill, so you can get the help you need quickly.
When time is of the essence, we can assist you with getting your policy's ownership changed and transferred. Most of our clients are in the process of applying for Medicaid. We help with the policy portion of that process.
When speed is priority, Policy Solutions can help. After providing the requested information, get answer in as little as one day.
We evaluate policies of all sizes, with a minimum value of $5,000 face value.
We primarily work with individuals who have policies going into a nursing home or need federal assistance. We also provide evaluations on policies for a terminally ill individual.
Absolutely. We can help you evaluate your policy and your options.
Submit the necessary information on the form above for a policy evaluation. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
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